5. Snorkeling at the Money Bar Cozumel

Money Bar
The Money Bar is a nice place to snorkel. You will find a number of interesting Caribbean fish not far from the surface. The Money Bar itself does not charge you to use their area. But you should buy something and show them you appreciate them making it available and well maintained. For the first time people to Cozumel there is the snorkeling beaches on the Western side of the Island and amazing sand beaches on the East side of the Island.

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Money Bar The Money Bar Money Bar Money Bar Money Bar Money Bar thumb_18_m6tour020.jpg
Money Bar Money Bar

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City: Cozumel
Country: Mexico
Status: Open for Guests

Short_Desc: Snorkeling at the Money Bar
Full Description: The Money Bar is a nice place to snorkel. You will find a number of interesting Caribbean fish not far from the surface. The Money Bar itself does not charge you to use their area. But you should buy something and show them you appreciate them making it available and well maintained. For the first time people to Cozumel there is the snorkeling beaches on the Western side of the Island and amazing sand beaches on the East side of the Island.
Directions: From the International Peer Peurta Maya it is approx. 1.5 miles south along the highway (20 minute walk). From town, say Mega store it is 3.5 miles south on the sea highway and about a 1 hour walk. So if you walk take lots of water. And enjoy the snorkeling .

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