9. Sergio's Silver Shops by Cozumel Square

Sergio's silver shop.
Sergio's silver shop is custom made locally and can do custom made pieces. Very good silver pieces.

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Sergio's silver shop. Sergio's silver shop Sergio's silver shop Sergio's silver shop Sergio's silver shop Sergio's silver shop Sergio's silver shop
Sergio's silver shop thumb_22_d6tour198.jpg Sergio's silver shop Custom silver piece Sergio's designed for me.

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Payment Method: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, Debit, Travel Cheques, Cash
Status: Open for Guests

Short_Desc: Sergio's Silver Shops by Cozumel Square

Full Description: There is a lot of Silver Shops in Cozumel and here is the best fine silver shop and they actually made a few pieces for me that were very nice. This shop has the best quality silver in Cozumel and the most honest. I have visited other shops and seen people being sold silver that was not actually silver. One way to tell is take a magnet and if it is magnetic then it is not silver. But why bother, just shop at Sergio's shop and I will personally guarantee it.

Directions: From the Ferry go East until you hit the traffic streets and then 1/2 block you will find Sergio's shops. There is 2 shops 1/2 block before the traffic street and 1/2 after the traffic street, both on the North side of the street.
1. Sergio's Silver & More.. Juárez Ave. #117 x 5th Ave. & 10th Ave. Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México ZIP Code 77600
2. Sergio's Silver & More.. Juárez Ave. #243 & 10th Ave. & 15th Ave. Cozumel, Q. Roo,México 77600 Tel/Fax: -01(987) 872.76.32

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