29. San Gervasio Cozumel Mayan Ruins Cozumel

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Short_Desc: San Gervasio Cozumel Mayan Ruins Cozumel
Full Description: In terms of importance in the Mayan culture, Cozumel's San Gervasio Ruins are a more significant site than Tulum. Tulum was simply a coastal "watchpost" if you will where as San Gervasio contains the temple built to honor the godess Ix Chel. Visitors can experience first hand the mysteries of Mayan culture here at the largest archeological site on the island. A strategic location from both a commercial and political point of view, San Gervasio was also a sacred place for the Maya women. Ix Chel is the Mayan godess of fertility and rain. In ancient times, every Mayan woman was expected, at least once in her lifetime, to make the journey to Cozumel from the mainland to make offerings to Ix Chel for her family's fertility and crop sustenance. Inhabited from 200 AD to the Spanish conquest, San Gervasio was the sanctuary of the Goddess Ix Chel as well as an important commercial, political and cultural center. Engravings at the site relate to events all over the Mayan world.

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